2023-14 Implementing a Fire Ban.pdf (plattecountywyoming.com)
Attention: Town Meeting Rescheduled for July 19th @ 6:00:
Building Permit Fee Schedule:
Town of Glendo- Building Permit – Fee Schedule:
120 sq. ft. or less: Free – Still Requires Permit
Over 120 sq.ft.to 720 sq.ft. – $500
Over 720 sq. ft- $1500
New Construction Single Family-
Including 1 shop/garage with New Construction:
Under 600 sq. feet- $1,500
Over 600 sq. feet- $5000
All Additions to homes are considered new construction:
Please include a scaled draft of construction plans:
Rush Approval- Additional Fee
Revised 5/26/2023
Glendo Town Meeting
Wednesday- August 9th @ 6:00- Glendo Town Hall
Keeping Glendo Great- Your Monday Edition: 6/19/23
Please follow link for some light reading about Glendo:
Meeting Reminder- 2nd Meeting @ 4:30 Glendo Town Hall- Monday, June 26th:
Keep Glendo Great- Update and Meeting Notes
Thank you for your interest in keeping Glendo Great! |
Thank you for attending our first meeting to map out the future of our great community of Glendo – I am excited to see this effort move forward and am impressed with the level of interest we have already found. My summary of the meeting is found in this communication, and I encourage you to comment, respond and add to the cause. Since our meeting, several other things have been accomplished. A number of people have asked to be included in the communications – DONE. Kelly Jones has agreed to help with our website, which will NOT be the same and the Town of Glendo website – Lacy Brooks is updating that as well. The new website should be up and running later this week. Kelly has also helped to develop a logo and identity for the process – KEEP GLENDO GREAT! The Town Council has taken on the job of getting a correct map of the town limits and that should be available this week or next. We will also be posting the information Jay Collins referenced from 2008 to help move this forward. This email is lengthy, but includes everything and important information. Thanks again for your interest and support! |
Meeting Notes |
On Friday, 9 June, the first meeting to discuss a “vision” for the Glendo community was held at the Town Hall. This is an outgrowth of a presentation Bob Budd made to the Town Council in May relative to infrastructure, including water, sewer, streets, and other needs. There is a considerable amount of money available for these improvements, but the grants are competitive, often require matching funds, and always require a plan for implementation and maintenance. This meeting was the beginning of a conversation to develop a long-range plan for the town and the whole community. It is a community effort, not a function of the Town Council, though the Council and Mayor deserve a great deal of credit for initiating this conversation. The turnout for this meeting was incredible, with about 40 people in attendance. The result was a first draft that outlines the greater Glendo community, our assets, challenges, and opportunities. WHAT WE DISCUSSED: The “community” of Glendo is much larger than many think, but it is diverse and widespread. There is a need to unify the overall community into a more cohesive unit that can work together to provide opportunity and meet demands. The general parts of this community are:Glendo Town LimitsState Park and CampgroundsLaramie Range Ranches – west of I25MarinaLakeshore Drive – all residential areasSandy Beach – Patten Creek Road – east side ranchesASSETS – There are many assets to the community, some of which are not readily recognized and which should be accentuated. Assets identified include:Lake – fishing, boating, camping, recreationMountains – hunting, scenery, fishing, camping, ATVsFriendly people – volunteer baseRelatively reasonable living expensesQuiet – small town atmosphereLocationClimate – not a lot of windRelatively low crimeActivities – fishing tournaments, Glendo Day, Fly-in, Christmas ParadeCHALLENGES – As with all small towns in Wyoming, there are challenges to growth, or even maintenance of the community. These should not be viewed as limitations, but areas that can be should be addressed as we move forward:Seasonal EconomyInternetCell ServiceVacant lots – “blight”Lack of housing – rentals vs VRBO, AirBnBCost of housing for young peopleDowntown “dead” zoneCommunicationLogical Expansion PlanDemographic – lacking young people and permanent residentsOPPORTUNITY – What kind of actions could lead to a more vibrant community? How do we make more out of what we already have as assets? Activities! We can talk about expanding existing and add others. Here are some ideas:Chariot racesRanch rodeo – bigger and betterWinter activities – fishing derbyBike racesMarathonCommunity CenterSignage – wayfinding and external (I25)“Remote” businesses (Ace Hardware, Douglas Grocery, Frenchman Valley) as partners with existing businessesFarmer’s MarketNEEDS – What are things we can do RIGHT NOW to move this effort forward? Communicate!Website dedicated to this process (work in progress)Facebook pageEmail list (we are continuing to build and add to!)Monthly mailing in water billReach out to ALL of the “community”Survey Park visitorsGet State Park involvedGet railroad involvedMAP town boundary and connect with adjacent landowners re: expansionBuild on previous efforts – 2008 Vision, County Plan, etc.MAP COMMUNITY – let people know they are part of the wholeBroaden the net – include county commissioners, legislators, state agencies |
Next Steps |
Our next meeting will be held Monday, 26 June at 4:30 at the Glendo Town Hall – please plan to attend. We will discuss identity and logo, communications, outreach to the greater Glendo community, fundraising opportunities, infrastructure needs, and whatever else you would like to offer. Bring a friend, and let us know of anyone else who would like to be included in this email list. The next meeting will help to refine those broad areas into action items that can be put into motion in the near future. A third meeting will lead to the creation of a community-based committee to help develop a broad plan for the next 10 years, and the next 30 years. It is anticipated that this “steering committee” can advise the Town Council, County Commission, and other agencies on needs and opportunities to “Keep Glendo Great!” It is also intended to build a strong volunteer base that can help to address specific areas (infrastructure, events, commerce, housing, etc.) as needed. It is important to understand that this process can be a bit “messy” – there are a lot of interests and ideas, and all of them deserve to be heard – at the end of the day though, it is an incredibly strong process that can build community spirit and confidence, and provide an incredibly strong attraction to business and essential funding. That said, the more people involved, the stronger the outcome. Please consider being a part of this very exciting opportunity for our community! |