Wednesday- August 9th @ 6:00- Glendo Town Hall
Keeping Glendo Great- Your Monday Edition: 6/19/23
Please follow link for some light reading about Glendo:
Meeting Reminder- 2nd Meeting @ 4:30 Glendo Town Hall- Monday, June 26th:
Keep Glendo Great- Update and Meeting Notes
Thank you for your interest in keeping Glendo Great! |
Thank you for attending our first meeting to map out the future of our great community of Glendo – I am excited to see this effort move forward and am impressed with the level of interest we have already found. My summary of the meeting is found in this communication, and I encourage you to comment, respond and add to the cause. Since our meeting, several other things have been accomplished. A number of people have asked to be included in the communications – DONE. Kelly Jones has agreed to help with our website, which will NOT be the same and the Town of Glendo website – Lacy Brooks is updating that as well. The new website should be up and running later this week. Kelly has also helped to develop a logo and identity for the process – KEEP GLENDO GREAT! The Town Council has taken on the job of getting a correct map of the town limits and that should be available this week or next. We will also be posting the information Jay Collins referenced from 2008 to help move this forward. This email is lengthy, but includes everything and important information. Thanks again for your interest and support! |
Meeting Notes |
On Friday, 9 June, the first meeting to discuss a “vision” for the Glendo community was held at the Town Hall. This is an outgrowth of a presentation Bob Budd made to the Town Council in May relative to infrastructure, including water, sewer, streets, and other needs. There is a considerable amount of money available for these improvements, but the grants are competitive, often require matching funds, and always require a plan for implementation and maintenance. This meeting was the beginning of a conversation to develop a long-range plan for the town and the whole community. It is a community effort, not a function of the Town Council, though the Council and Mayor deserve a great deal of credit for initiating this conversation. The turnout for this meeting was incredible, with about 40 people in attendance. The result was a first draft that outlines the greater Glendo community, our assets, challenges, and opportunities. WHAT WE DISCUSSED: The “community” of Glendo is much larger than many think, but it is diverse and widespread. There is a need to unify the overall community into a more cohesive unit that can work together to provide opportunity and meet demands. The general parts of this community are:Glendo Town LimitsState Park and CampgroundsLaramie Range Ranches – west of I25MarinaLakeshore Drive – all residential areasSandy Beach – Patten Creek Road – east side ranchesASSETS – There are many assets to the community, some of which are not readily recognized and which should be accentuated. Assets identified include:Lake – fishing, boating, camping, recreationMountains – hunting, scenery, fishing, camping, ATVsFriendly people – volunteer baseRelatively reasonable living expensesQuiet – small town atmosphereLocationClimate – not a lot of windRelatively low crimeActivities – fishing tournaments, Glendo Day, Fly-in, Christmas ParadeCHALLENGES – As with all small towns in Wyoming, there are challenges to growth, or even maintenance of the community. These should not be viewed as limitations, but areas that can be should be addressed as we move forward:Seasonal EconomyInternetCell ServiceVacant lots – “blight”Lack of housing – rentals vs VRBO, AirBnBCost of housing for young peopleDowntown “dead” zoneCommunicationLogical Expansion PlanDemographic – lacking young people and permanent residentsOPPORTUNITY – What kind of actions could lead to a more vibrant community? How do we make more out of what we already have as assets? Activities! We can talk about expanding existing and add others. Here are some ideas:Chariot racesRanch rodeo – bigger and betterWinter activities – fishing derbyBike racesMarathonCommunity CenterSignage – wayfinding and external (I25)“Remote” businesses (Ace Hardware, Douglas Grocery, Frenchman Valley) as partners with existing businessesFarmer’s MarketNEEDS – What are things we can do RIGHT NOW to move this effort forward? Communicate!Website dedicated to this process (work in progress)Facebook pageEmail list (we are continuing to build and add to!)Monthly mailing in water billReach out to ALL of the “community”Survey Park visitorsGet State Park involvedGet railroad involvedMAP town boundary and connect with adjacent landowners re: expansionBuild on previous efforts – 2008 Vision, County Plan, etc.MAP COMMUNITY – let people know they are part of the wholeBroaden the net – include county commissioners, legislators, state agencies |
Next Steps |
Our next meeting will be held Monday, 26 June at 4:30 at the Glendo Town Hall – please plan to attend. We will discuss identity and logo, communications, outreach to the greater Glendo community, fundraising opportunities, infrastructure needs, and whatever else you would like to offer. Bring a friend, and let us know of anyone else who would like to be included in this email list. The next meeting will help to refine those broad areas into action items that can be put into motion in the near future. A third meeting will lead to the creation of a community-based committee to help develop a broad plan for the next 10 years, and the next 30 years. It is anticipated that this “steering committee” can advise the Town Council, County Commission, and other agencies on needs and opportunities to “Keep Glendo Great!” It is also intended to build a strong volunteer base that can help to address specific areas (infrastructure, events, commerce, housing, etc.) as needed. It is important to understand that this process can be a bit “messy” – there are a lot of interests and ideas, and all of them deserve to be heard – at the end of the day though, it is an incredibly strong process that can build community spirit and confidence, and provide an incredibly strong attraction to business and essential funding. That said, the more people involved, the stronger the outcome. Please consider being a part of this very exciting opportunity for our community! |
June 2023- Monthly Meeting Minutes:
June 7, 2023 6:00pm
Council Meeting
Town Of Glendo
Platte County
Present: Mayor Susan Juschka, Council members Dan Dugdale, Jarla Whitaker, Lacy Brooks, Heather Schoning, Town Clerk Tristany Hoffman, Kathy Hamar, Public Works Director Robert Himle, and David Dugdale.
Mayor Susan Juschka calls the meeting to order at 6:00pm and asks those in attendance to stand and recite the pledge of allegiance.
Town Clerk Tristany Hoffman stood to be sworn in as Clerk/Treasurer.
Heather Schoning motions to approve the special meeting minutes. Jarla Whitaker 2nd the motion. Motion passed.
Lacy Brooks motions to approve the May council meeting minutes. Heather Schoning. Motion passed.
Lacy Brooks motions to approve the May claims. Dan Dugdale 2nd. Motion passed.
Dan Dugdale motions to move the executive meeting to after new business and before old business on the agenda. Lacy 2nd. Motion passed.
Heather Schoning discussed concerns about vehicle problems on Warren and B street, and about a fifth wheel on the street on Wilson and 5th. Eric Jones followed up explaining weight limit concerns. Eric Jones suggested sending letters to the vehicle owners explaining issues and concerns and penalties. To send contact information to Eric so he can send letters to explain preserving our infrastructure, and the dangers and nuisances of parked and idling semi’s and excess amounts of unregistered and broken down vehicles. Lacy Brooks mentioned the possibility of creating a designated truck route.
Dan Dugdale discussed the master water plan and the things we have moving forward with AVF. He also talked about the new tractor that was chosen for purchase.
Citizens expressed their concerns with water bills. Mayor Susan Juschka and Clerk Tristany Hoffman explained software changes and the work we are doing to correct everything.
Dan Dugdale motioned to approve resolution number 2023-2 for Mayor Susan Juschka to sign for the tractor loan. Lacy Brooks 2nd. Motion passed.
Jarla Whitaker made a motion to put Clerk/Treasurer Tristany Hoffman as a signer on all bank accounts. Lacy Brooks 2nd. Motion passed.
Heather Schoning suggested looking into a private auditor to come in and audit our books. Discussed looking into and comparing different companies and options, to give our new signers and employees a fresh slate with so many changes ensuing.
Heather Schoning made a motion to pursue a private auditor. Dan Dugdale 2nd motion. Motion was passed.
Council looked over the SPOT resolution.
Lacy Brooks motioned to be in agreeance and approval with the SPOT resolution. Jarla Whitaker 2nd. Motions passed.
Council discussed having a band and fireworks on the 1st of July instead of the 4th.
Lacy Brooks motioned to approve fireworks and band on the 1st of July. Heather Schoning 2nd. Motion was approved.
Jim Bohannon spoke about the ice machine on Yellowstone and B st. His concern was mainly how loud it is. Also, the light shining in their windows, traffic backing up on both sides of the road, and the dumpster usage. Eric Jones gave some suggestions to talk to the land owner and machine owner, and talked over some possible steps that could be taken. Jim and Jackie Bohannon explained that they have had contact with the owners and they have chosen not to make changes. Council and citizens discuss a putting a noise ordinance in place, and place no parking signs. Council is in agreement that they will do the first reading for the noise ordinance number 267 at the next Workshop/Special meeting and work diligently to get things going to find a solution to this problem.
Jarla Whitaker motions to close the regular meeting to go into the executive meeting at 6:55pm. Lacy Brooks 2nd. Motion passed.
At 7:30pm Dan Dugdale motioned to go back into regular session. Jarla Whitaker 2nd. Motion w3as passed.
Lacy Brooks motioned to pass the 3rd reading of ordinance 265-water and sewer fees. Dan 2nd. Motion passed.
Heather Schoning motioned to pass the 2nd reading of ordinance 266-Vendor fees. Lacy Brooks 2nd. Motion passed.
Heather Schoning motioned to accept the 2nd phase of the budget. Jarla Whitaker 2nd. Motion passed.
Jarla Whitaker motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:34pm. Lacy Brooks 2nd. Meeting was adjourned.
May 2023- Monthly Meeting Minutes
May 10, 2023
Regular Meeting
TOWN OF Glendo
Platte County
Present: Mayor Susan Juschka, Council Members Dan Dugdale, Jarla Whitaker, Lacy Brooks, Heather Schoning, Lawyer Eric Jones, Town Clerk Tristany Hoffman, Kathy Hamar, Public Works Director Robert Himle and David Dugdale.
Mayor Susan Juschka asked those in attendance to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed all.
Heather Schoning added an addition to Agenda, reading of Ordinance 252.
Motion made to accept 2nd reading of old ordinance 264 by Lacy Brooks, Motion 2nd by Jarla Whitaker. Motion approved.
Dan Dugdale made a motion to accept April 2023 minutes, motion 2nd by Lacy Brooks. Motion carried.
Motion by Jarla Whitaker to accept the treasurer’s report, Dan Dugdale 2nd motion. Motion carried.
Motion made to accept Claims for May 2023 by Lacy Brooks, Heather 2nd motion. Motion carried.
Guest Speaker, Bob Bud, had handouts about water and sewer systems around Wyoming and Glendo, in much need of work. Tax revenue is minimal and user fees don’t cover water systems. Bob was monumental in getting Glendo a one million dollar grand for our sewer system. SLIB, State Loan Investment Board. Glendo water rates will go up 3% in July 2023.
Guest Speakers, Kim Himle (Kim’s Place), Amy Gruwell (Bullfrog’s), Tianna (Anglers), voiced comments about Food Trucks coming to Glendo and parking on Old Yellowstone Highway. They would like higher vender prices, select operating hours, number of trucks and more restriction in place.
Susan Hagen, has a 2 acre property in city limits and would like to sub divide.
Dan Dugdale made a motion to accept building permits from Dan Carhcart and Blake Burke, Lacy Brooks 2nd motion. Motion carried.
Commission Department reports, Heather Schoning, Streets and Alleys, would like Bobby to work on patching holes in alleys. Lacy Brooks, Cometary, reported 4-H members had a work day cleaning the cometary in preparation for Memorial Day. Jarla Whitaker, Airport, nothing to report. Dan Dugdale, Water and Sewer had nothing to report. Bobby Himle, Public Works Director had nothing to report. Lawyer Eric Jones is pursuing delinquent water accounts.
Special Water Meeting- Participating in state grants. Dan Dugdale reported on Master Plan with ABI Surveying doing a complete analysis of town water system.
Mayor Susan Juschka adopted a resolution of Hometown Security, Town of Glendo multi Hazard Plan.
Also, Proclaiming the 26th of May as Poppy Day. Wear a poppy and show our veteran’s your support.
Planning and Zoning Committee reported that Leeann Holkan is resigning from the committee.
Josh Wilson’s property issues were discussed, resolution from planning and zoning meetings on April 25 and May 2nd,2023 recommendation, to go forth with the variance, Zoned-R1- Business Plan. Lacy Brooks made a motion to accept the variance, Jarla Whitaker 2nd motion. Josh Wilson will purchase building permits. Dan Dugdale has an issue with the property lines/ the county not agreeing with the county map from the County Assessor. Motion vote was split. 3 yes- Jarla Whitaker, Lacy Brooks and Heather Schoning. Opposed- Mayor Susan Juschka and Dan Dugdale. Motion carried. The variance has a typo and Lawyer Eric Jones will prepare and present a correct copy.
Ordinance 252, which will be now known as 265, Heather Schoning made a motion to pass on 1st reading, Jarla Whitaker 2nd motion. Motion passed.
Ordinance 264, Planning and Zoning, 3rd reading. Heather made a motion with 2 updates- chapter 5, sec 1. To add Building codes- International Universal Building Codes in wording. Also, mobile Homes not more than 25 years old. Lacy 2nd motion with 2 updates. Motion carried.
Lawyer Eric Jones, did an update on the Old Motel. Judge Peasley agreed to pulmonary asbestos testing. After May 8th, Joelson is not to be in the hotel. Pete Peterson can do the testing, he’s licensed.
Glendo Days will be June 17,2023. Parade at 10, games for the kids, horseshoe tourney, corn hole and a band.
Susan Juschka made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Lacy Brooks \. Meeting Adjourned
Respectfully Presented,
Kathy Hamar
April 2023- Meeting Minutes:
April 12, 2023
Regular Meeting
Town of Glendo
Platte County
Present: Mayor Susan Juschka, Council members Lacy Brooks, Heather Schoning, Jarla Whitaker, Dan Dugdale, Assistant town clerk Kathy Hamar, and Public works Bobby Himle, David Dugdale and Bob McQuisten.
Mayor Susan Juschka asked those in attendance to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed all.
April 10, 2023 Agenda: Motion was made by Heather Schoning to approve the agenda, Lacy Brooks 2nd Motion, with the addition of visitors comments added. Motion carried.
April 2023 Treasurer Report: Heather Schoning made a motion to approve the April Treasurer report, Jarla Whitaker 2nd motion, Motion carried.
Heather Schoning questioned the contract labor contract with Mike Montgomery; His contract will end March, 2023.
April 2023 Claims for Consideration: Dan Dugdalemade a motion to approve April Claims, Heather 2nd Motion. Motion Carried.
Guest Speaker and visitor comments: Wyoming Child Development, spokesperson Tammy asked for continued monetary support for Early Childhood Development, birth through 5 years. Motion made by Jarla Whitaker to donate $200.00 to WCD, Lacy 2nd motion. Motion carried.
Doc Hill, owner/operator of Glendo Trading Post asked for a variance to Ordinance 202, to park his personal camper on his lot for the summer. Heather Schoning made a motion to give Doc Hill a 120 day expansion permit. Lacy Brooks 2nd motion. Motion carried.
Miquelle Bernard from Ferguson Waterworks, gave out printed information on water meters, warranty info, pricing and will get a quote for 100 meters.
Josh Wilson wants to use his property for 12 cabins and have RV at each lot until the cabins are finished. He wants a variance to rezone campground.
Visitors comments, assistant fire chief, Paul Bauder reported the fuel tank at the Glendo School was hit by a student and fell to the ground. The Glendo Fire Department was called by the school and asked to clean up the spill and replace the contaminated soil. Mayor Susan Juschka reported the spill to the DEQ. Eric Jones called Steve Kelly and was told to report it to the DEQ.
Thank you to Bobby Himle and David Dugdale for cleaning up the graffiti that was painted on the new park bathrooms, wellness center and streets around town.
Commission/Dept. Reports: Heather Schoning / none, Lacy Brooks checked on the state levy for snow removal since the town has a no snow removal policy. Jarla Whitaker, airport, may need some barricades to control parking, maybe a sign. Jarla also did some paperwork that was required by the state. Lacy Brooks brought up the Spring Cleaning dumpster. The council is not interested. Dan Dugdale, Downey well has no pressure. Burn Pile hours will be 1st and 3rd Saturdays, May thru September. 10:00am till noon. Wednesdays noon till 2:00pm. $10.00 fee for outside city limits. Need to order a new metal gate. Dan Dugdale made a motion to advertise to buy a new tractor, Jarla Whitaker 2nd the motion. Motion carried. Dan Dugdale made a motion to buy out our $67,000.00 Cat lease. Jarla Whitaker 2nd motion, motion carried.
RXR quiet zone, fence is knocked down and ran over and Keep Right sign on island is down.
Glendo Days is June 27, 2023.
Mayor Susan Juschka made a motion to adjourn meeting and go into executive session.., motion 2nd by Jarla Whitaker. Motion carried.
Executive Session.
Respectfully submitted by Kathy Hamar