Keep Glendo Great Events & Tourism Meeting- April 15, 2024- 6:00- Glendo Town Hall Meeting Room.
Glendo Community Church- Thursday Dinner
Community Church Spaghetti Dinner- Thursday, April 11, 2024 @ 6:00
Delivery available:
Contact: Candy @ 307-351-8716
Keep Glendo Great- Steering Committee Meeting- Appointment of Committee:
Meet the Candidates Q & A- April 24th @ 6:00- Glendo Town Hall
Keep Glendo Great Steering Committee Configuration Meeting: April 15th @ 7:00 Glendo Town Hall- Summary Below:
Duties of Steering Committee
- Setup everything needed to become a 501c3 non-profit organization to assist in non-governmental fund raising for various committees as needed with donations and grants.
- Represent the greater Glendo area in achieving master plan goals.
- Determine a chairperson from the volunteers willing to serve and rotate duties as the group deems most beneficial to the entire committee.
- Shepherd the ongoing activities of other committees formed to support the Town of Glendo Master Plan, in particular Tourism and Events, Communication, Support of Town Businesses, and Beautification. The Town of Glendo government is responsible for infrastructure needs (water, sewage, roads, and similar) as well as communication infrastructure involving internet and cell phone service. The town will also be involved in the Beautification committee as it applies to Town property and town ordinances.
- Meet as a group on some regular basis (bi-monthly or quarterly) to assess ongoing progress towards meeting the town master plan goals.
- Review the master plan goals annually and adjust as needed.
- Bring in ex-officio members as needed for advice and consent on various projects (This could include the Town of Glendo, Platte County, State of WY, and Glendo State Park to name a few).