June 7, 2023 6:00pm
Council Meeting
Town Of Glendo
Platte County
Present: Mayor Susan Juschka, Council members Dan Dugdale, Jarla Whitaker, Lacy Brooks, Heather Schoning, Town Clerk Tristany Hoffman, Kathy Hamar, Public Works Director Robert Himle, and David Dugdale.
Mayor Susan Juschka calls the meeting to order at 6:00pm and asks those in attendance to stand and recite the pledge of allegiance.
Town Clerk Tristany Hoffman stood to be sworn in as Clerk/Treasurer.
Heather Schoning motions to approve the special meeting minutes. Jarla Whitaker 2nd the motion. Motion passed.
Lacy Brooks motions to approve the May council meeting minutes. Heather Schoning. Motion passed.
Lacy Brooks motions to approve the May claims. Dan Dugdale 2nd. Motion passed.
Dan Dugdale motions to move the executive meeting to after new business and before old business on the agenda. Lacy 2nd. Motion passed.
Heather Schoning discussed concerns about vehicle problems on Warren and B street, and about a fifth wheel on the street on Wilson and 5th. Eric Jones followed up explaining weight limit concerns. Eric Jones suggested sending letters to the vehicle owners explaining issues and concerns and penalties. To send contact information to Eric so he can send letters to explain preserving our infrastructure, and the dangers and nuisances of parked and idling semi’s and excess amounts of unregistered and broken down vehicles. Lacy Brooks mentioned the possibility of creating a designated truck route.
Dan Dugdale discussed the master water plan and the things we have moving forward with AVF. He also talked about the new tractor that was chosen for purchase.
Citizens expressed their concerns with water bills. Mayor Susan Juschka and Clerk Tristany Hoffman explained software changes and the work we are doing to correct everything.
Dan Dugdale motioned to approve resolution number 2023-2 for Mayor Susan Juschka to sign for the tractor loan. Lacy Brooks 2nd. Motion passed.
Jarla Whitaker made a motion to put Clerk/Treasurer Tristany Hoffman as a signer on all bank accounts. Lacy Brooks 2nd. Motion passed.
Heather Schoning suggested looking into a private auditor to come in and audit our books. Discussed looking into and comparing different companies and options, to give our new signers and employees a fresh slate with so many changes ensuing.
Heather Schoning made a motion to pursue a private auditor. Dan Dugdale 2nd motion. Motion was passed.
Council looked over the SPOT resolution.
Lacy Brooks motioned to be in agreeance and approval with the SPOT resolution. Jarla Whitaker 2nd. Motions passed.
Council discussed having a band and fireworks on the 1st of July instead of the 4th.
Lacy Brooks motioned to approve fireworks and band on the 1st of July. Heather Schoning 2nd. Motion was approved.
Jim Bohannon spoke about the ice machine on Yellowstone and B st. His concern was mainly how loud it is. Also, the light shining in their windows, traffic backing up on both sides of the road, and the dumpster usage. Eric Jones gave some suggestions to talk to the land owner and machine owner, and talked over some possible steps that could be taken. Jim and Jackie Bohannon explained that they have had contact with the owners and they have chosen not to make changes. Council and citizens discuss a putting a noise ordinance in place, and place no parking signs. Council is in agreement that they will do the first reading for the noise ordinance number 267 at the next Workshop/Special meeting and work diligently to get things going to find a solution to this problem.
Jarla Whitaker motions to close the regular meeting to go into the executive meeting at 6:55pm. Lacy Brooks 2nd. Motion passed.
At 7:30pm Dan Dugdale motioned to go back into regular session. Jarla Whitaker 2nd. Motion w3as passed.
Lacy Brooks motioned to pass the 3rd reading of ordinance 265-water and sewer fees. Dan 2nd. Motion passed.
Heather Schoning motioned to pass the 2nd reading of ordinance 266-Vendor fees. Lacy Brooks 2nd. Motion passed.
Heather Schoning motioned to accept the 2nd phase of the budget. Jarla Whitaker 2nd. Motion passed.
Jarla Whitaker motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:34pm. Lacy Brooks 2nd. Meeting was adjourned.