KGG- Steering Committee Meeting Minutes- 1/16/25
Keep Glendo Great Events Committee Meeting Minutes- 10/21/24
October 7, 2024- Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
September 24/24 – Events and Tourism Meeting Minutes
August 26th Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes- 8/5/24
Keep Glendo Great Communication/Donation Link- Donate to make a difference (

If people enjoy Glendo and want to make it even better, here’s a way they can help to beautify, improve services, and support the community. Funds will be used by the Keep Glendo Great organization for the benefit of Glendo and to support the strategic plan and helps make the town a better place for residents and visitors alike.
I’ve also attached a QR code people can just scan and donate.
Call me if you have any questions
Greg Burke
Chairperson Keep Glendo Great Steering Committee
Keep Glendo Great Steering Committee Meeting Minutes- July 22-2024
Events & Tourism Meeting Agenda- 5/20/24
Keep Glendo Great- Events & Tourism Meeting Minutes- 2/12/24
Keep Glendo Great- Events & Tourism Meeting Minutes- 3/18/24
Keep Glendo Great- Events & Tourism Meeting Agenda: March 18th-
How to Play Bunco | Complete Game Tutorial for Any Siz Group ( Bunco Night @ Kim’s Family Restaurant @ 5:00- Burgers & Beer- 6:00 Game Begins- All Ages Welcome- $10 entry fee- 20% donated back to Glendo School:

Open House @ Glendo Town Hall- February 2nd – 2-5pm. Open House tomorrow! (
Keep Glendo Great- January 2024 Update: Find Below: Please Read Thoroughly:
WE’RE BACK! Updates, strategic plan and a call to action (
Events and Tourism Meeting Minutes- 1/22/24
Events and Tourism Meeting- 1/22/24- Agenda:
Update January 2024- WE’RE BACK! Updates, strategic plan and a call to action (
Keep Glendo Great Tourism and Events Meeting Minutes:

These are initial ideas from the meeting where the committees were formed: Don’t forget, if you have any ideas, reply to this idea and we’ll create a whole section of this newsletter devoted to YOUR ideas: If you would like to be added to any committee or have any questions, concerns or comments please contact us at the following: Kelly Jones @ Lacy Brooks @ 1. Communication — Members: Kelly, Tianna, Lacy, Jill This committee will keep all people involved updates with regular email updates and explore additional options, like setting up social media accounts and/or text alerts. This committee will work closely with every other committee on making sure regular updates are provided. We will work closely with town council, who already does a great job of communicating and providing updates. We do have a website in the works, but more to come on that due to price. 2. Beautification — Members: Dave, Bob, Julia B, Bonnie, Bob S., Jane Clean up Main Street – how can we raise funds to clean upside streets or rally the community to clean up shop? Decorating with flowers instead of trees – the trees will ruin the sidewalks. Call for volunteers to mow vacant lots and spruce them up. Repaint buildings that need freshened up – ask local artists to consider murals across those vacant buildings. Clean up and advertise as people are coming off the highway.Wyoming welcome signs. Metal wind spinners downtown – contact local artists about showcasing work in high traffic areas holiday décor neutral string lights that could be used year-round semi-annual dumpster day. Ask volunteers to man a dumpster a few times a year to monitor what is or isn’t allowed to be thrown away provide resources on what local trash rules are (i.e. the dump being free for County 8 plates) 3. Outreach & Funding — Members: Bob, Susan, Heather Advertisements and sponsorships from local businesses Community revitalization grants Donations from the community sales on merchandise (i.e. shirts, hats, etc.) 4. Infrastructure — Members: (Dan, Kathy W., Larry, Kelly B., Daryl M., Dave A. Infrastructure needs lots of money for new and ongoing infrastructure issues. To that end, an infrastructure committee is needed which could be part of number 4 strategic goal or possibly a separate goal. Lighted signs at local businesses pulling people inBetter helicopter landing location at the airport 5. Support local business — Members: Doc, Greg B., Tianna, Deb B. Advertise more about what local businesses can provideProvide more directories of all the businesses in the areaWorking in league with the communication team to find advertising dollarsLinks to menus 6. Tourism & Events — Members: Jane, Greg, Mike, Hope, Bonnie, Tianna, Doc, Heather, Deb, Michelle, Jackie Glendo Days revamp: Holiday events: Ca shows: Outdoor activities – tournaments, hunting, etc. Challenges: Farmer’s Market |